DIY Dog Toy


A pair of scissors

An old piece of clothing/fabric


SAM_12671. Cut four strips of fabric that are equal in width and length (make sure the strips are a lot longer than what you want your finished toy to be)

SAM_12712. Gather the strips and tie a secure knot at one end.

SAM_12743. Fold one of the strips over the one next to it, leaving a loop. Continue folding the strips across the ones next to it.

SAM_1276 SAM_1277 4. Pull the last strip through the loop you made with the first strip.

SAM_1278SAM_12795. Pull ends opposite eachother until you end up with a tight knot/braid

SAM_1280like this.

SAM_12816. Continue this process until you near the end of braid, leave enough fabric to make another secure knot.

SAM_13087. You are all done! Pretty simple really 🙂


A great DIY dog toy that I have found to be tough and durable. This project is a good way to reuse old clothing and fabric to give them a second life. You can change the colours of fabric and can have up to four different colours to to make it funky and colourful! This is also a nice and easy gift to give to your friends dogs.

Em xo

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